Rooted Dental Care Porcelain Veneers

Are Porcelain Veneers Right For You?

Porcelain Veneers can be an excellent option for beautifying your smile for years to come. While there are various temporary treatments on the market, veneers can last a lifetime when taken care of properly. Veneers are permanent solutions to aesthetic issues that may not be resolved with options like Invisalign or teeth whitening. This article will break down everything you need to know to decide if veneers are right for you.

Am I a good candidate for veneers?

Before you can be eligible for veneers, your doctor will take X-rays of your mouth. Generally speaking, you’ll need to be in good oral health to get the procedure. X-rays will determine if you have any underlying tooth decay and ensure your tooth structure is strong. Since veneers are fused to your existing teeth, these steps are vital.

If your teeth are minorly crooked, veneers can still work for you. However, if you have severe misalignment, you may need braces or clear aligners beforehand. Your personalized action plan will be discussed once you have a consultation with your dentist. Veneers are meant to last a lifetime, so your teeth need to create a sound foundation for the procedure.

Individuals who grind their teeth at night will need to consider a mouth guard or discuss crowns as an option. If you are getting veneers on all of your teeth, you don’t need to worry about whitening your existing teeth. However, if you are getting a select few veneers, you’ll have to work alongside your dentist to make sure your teeth match in color and shape.

What are the pros and cons of porcelain veneers? Pros

  • Porcelain veneers are
  • They can instantly transform your smile fast and
  • Porcelain veneers are stain-
  • They are customizable and can be made to look very
  • You can get veneers for a few or all of your
  • You have control over how your future smile will look, e., bigger teeth, less gummy, whiter, more uniform, etc.


  • Sometimes your natural tooth enamel is filed down, so the process is not Your natural teeth will be sensitive without the veneers.
  • They can look too perfect if you don’t take precautions and discuss them with your
  • Veneers can’t solve major dental health
  • If your veneer chips can’t be repaired, it has to be entirely
  • They can be expensive but offer a fast, lasting, and dramatic

Do veneers hurt?

Getting veneers is not a painful process. Individuals can perform their daily tasks after the procedure, but they may experience minor soreness for a few days. You’ll need to focus on thorough dental hygiene and go in for a follow-up appointment. The process is seamless, and you’ll quickly adjust to your new veneers.

Where can I get veneers near me?

At Rooted Dental Care, we offer dental care treatments and cosmetic procedures. Call our office to book your consultation if you are looking for a dentist in Lincoln Park, Chicago. We can discuss the next steps for your porcelain veneer procedure.